viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Y por estas cosas no me puedo quedar en Ciudad del Cabo

Estás en Sudáfrica, vale, un poco por casualidad, pero ya que estamos, exploremos. Bien, sabes que no es un país muy seguro, pero Ciudad del Cabo es lo más seguro de Sudáfrica, asi que te relajas (mal) y cuando vas a alquilar un coche, te pones a chequear consejos y acabas en esta página.

Hijack Prevention Guidelines

(Después de las estadísticas y la introducción esto es lo primero "práctico" que me encuentro)

When to Shoot:

It is noticed with great concern that there is general confusion over the issue of the public shooting and killing or wounding another person under differing circumstances.  People have a responsibility to protect themselves in a situation where they need to discharge a firearm in the process of self-protection.

What exactly are the legal requirements of self-defense? (...) If your action is within the principles of self-defense, there is nothing to worry about.

Modus Operandi used by the hijackers:
  • Most hijackings take place in the driveways of residential areas.  These hijackers prefer areas with accessible escape routes.
  • Hijackings take place while stationed at any traffic sign or intersection.
  • Hijackings take place while stationary next to the road, e.g. to answer cell phone.
  • Hijackings also occur at post offices and parking areas or you may be followed leaving the filling station with the objective to hijack your vehicle where it is quiet.
  • The hijackers sometimes use a vehicle to force the victim off the road.
  • Hijackings take place at schools when dropping off / picking up children.
  • Hijackings take place while the vehicle is idling when off-loading / loading passengers.
  • Hijackings take place when advertising your vehicle for sale (Test drive method).
  • Bogus Police or Traffic Officers also conduct hijackings (Blue light scenario).
      (Y si miras en más páginas es básicamente todo lo que se te ocurra y lo que no se te había ocurrido y que deriva en: "no ayudes jamás a nadie, desconfía, sáltate los semaforos, deja heridos en la carretera y huye, huye por tu vida".)

  • Approaching and entering your driveway:
  • 2km from your house strategy.  Be extra alert.  Switch off the car radio and concentrate on your surroundings.  If you have noticed any vehicle behind you, use the techniques you have learned during the hijack prevention & survival course to determine whether you are being followed.  
  • Remember to stop your vehicle just on the inside of the gate and select reverse whilst waiting for the gate to close.  This creates confusion and may buy you a few seconds for the gate to close completely behind you.
  • Check your driveway and street before you leave or enter your premises.
  • Make sure your driveway is well lit and clear from shrubbery where perpetrators can hide.
  • Be aware of unknown pedestrians close to your residential address – do not turn into your driveway – pass and go back later.
  • Liaise with your neighbours – know them.
  • Be aware of vehicles parked close to your address with occupants inside.  It might be perpetrators observing the area.
  • Be alert if your animals do not greet you at the gate as usual.  It might be that the perpetrators over-powered them. ("overpowered" se refiere a que los dueños los usan como sistema de alarma y los atracadores de casas/coches/lo-que-se los envenenan y es para lo único que sirven los pobres ;( ).
  • Phone your home and ask for someone to make sure your driveway is safe and to open and close the gate for you.
  • When returning home after dark, ensure that an outside light is on, or have someone meet you at the gate.  Check with your armed response company if they are rendering rendezvous services.
  • If at any time you have to open the gate yourself, make sure nobody suspicious around and the road is clear.  Stop right in front of your gate.  Do not switch off the vehicle, leave the key in the ignition, get out and close the door (not creating temptation).  Then open the gate.  Drive in and close the gate immediately behind you.
  • If you have small children in the vehicle, take the key with you (this is the only exception).  You need the key as a “negotiating tool”.  The perpetrators want your vehicle and you want your children.
  • If your children are older, it is advised that they exit the vehicle with you when opening the gate so that you are all separated from the vehicle should an attack occur.

Whilst entering your vehicle and while driving, the following should be considered: (y sigue, y sigue) (...)

  • Always be on the alert for potential danger, and be on the lookout for possible escape routes and safe refuge along the way.
  • When approaching a red traffic light at night, slow down so that you only reach it when it turns green.
  • Do not take anything from people standing at traffic lights or places where they gather (job seekers on gathering points).  Perpetrators are usually standing among these people.
  • Make sure you are not followed.  If you suspect you are being followed, drive to the nearest Police Station or any busy public area.
  • If any person or vehicle in a high-risk area arouses your suspicions, treat it as hostile and take appropriate action, e.g. when approaching a red traffic light, slow down, check for oncoming traffic and if clear, drive through the intersection.  A fine will be preferable to an attack.  Treat stop streets in the same way.  Thereafter call for assistance if necessary.  Always report these incidents to the SAPS.  But remember, this is not an excuse to ignore the rules of the road.  The onus will be on you to prove in a court of law that you had justifiable reason to act the way you did and this is only in the case of a real, life-threatening emergency. 
  • Should a suspicious vehicle in fact be a (unmarked) SAPS vehicle, the Police must identify themselves by:
  • Use of a blue light, loudspeaker or any other police equipment.
  • The flash of a badge through the window whilst driving is not enough.
  • The Police must go all out in order to let the public know who they are.
  • (...) (Y más que se resumen en: no conduzcas de noche, todo es peligroso, ten siempre una ruta de escape, no abras a nadie jamás, no pares nunca jamás, ten los 5 sentidos vigilando y cuidado donde te metes).

Taken hostage 
- It can be helpful to have a survival plan in the back of your mind should such an incident occur.  It is difficult not to become paranoid about being taken hostage.  However, it is just as easy to become complacent.

One very important fact to remember when being hijacked:
Should the conclusion of the drama be by way of armed intervention, and escape is not possible, immediately drop to the ground, remain still and obey the orders of the leader.

If confronted:
Do not lose your temper, threaten or challenge the hijacker.


1 comentario:

  1. ¿Y cómo nos hemos dejado de escribir, hace ya tanto tiempo?

    Espero que todo te vaya bien, que la vida y las letras te cuiden. Me alegro de volver a encontrarte.

